If you are creating new mods or if you are enabling mods with textures and scripts, you will find that the mods are not loading properly. Loose files usually come packed into the BA2 archives and are loaded with respect to their plugins (ESP, ESM or ESL) in the load order. They are basically the resource files that are not shared with plugins. You may be wondering what loose files are good for anyway? Well, let me tell you! Loose files in Fallout 4 are present in the game’s directory but are not listed by any manifests.
Keep reading below to find out how it works! What Are Loose Files in Fallout 4? This means that the next time you add a new loose file folder, you won’t be needing to edit. It is basically a simple batch file that loads all loose file folders in your Fallout 4 game directory by updating Fallout4.ini. Enable Loose Files is a mod created by SoulCommando that allows Fallout 4 to enable loose files.